Tag: Victoria Square
Victoria Square: Restored Bowker Fountain At Night. (Otakaro Images)
Victoria Square: The Bowker Fountain At Night
Otakaro has released two images of the recently restored Bowker Fountain at night.
(The Bowker Fountain is part of the recently restored Victoria Square.)
“Square Campaign Thanks”- Letter Published In The Press Perspectives (090318)
The following is the text of a letter published in The Press. The letter was sent by HPC Chair Mark Gerrard in his role as Convenor of “Victoria Square - No Need For Change" campaign committee.
" The re-opening of a restored Victoria Square will be celebrated by the many Christchurch Residents who supported the successful “Victoria Square- No Need For Change” campaign.
I am writing this letter to publicly “Thank” the many concerned residents who wrote letters to the Press, rang ZB Talkback, emailed their MPs, turned up for the Yellow Ribbon Picnic and attended the Knox Church Forum. I wish to acknowledge the “No Need For Change” committee, the volunteers, the residents who encouraged us, the Knox Forum panellists and Chris Lynch, and Historic Places Canterbury and The Christchurch Civic Trust who funded the campaign.
Whilst we celebrate the re-opening, we must all acknowledge the skill and thoughtfulness of the original Designers who, 30 odd years ago, created this very special space we know and love as Victoria Square.
Victoria Square is “Christchurch at its best” and it sets the standard for which the quality and success of the CBD rebuild will be judged.
The re-opening will be a momentus event. However, for most of us Victoria Square is about the quiet enjoyment of reclining under a tree, sitting on a park bench and stopping at night to enjoy the Bowker Fountain water display and the light show.
Mark Gerrard
Convenor “Victoria Square - No Need For Change”
“Fountain removed as Victoria Square revamp ramps up” Press Online Article and Video (29.06.2017)
Fountain removed as Victoria Square revamp ramps up : The Press
“Editorial: Another step closer to a sensible revamp of Victoria Square” The Press (Online Article)
Editorial: Another step closer to a sensible revamp of Victoria Square
"In the redevelopment of Victoria Square there are parallels to the clock, involving, on one side, the people of Christchurch, and, on the other, the Christchurch Central Development Unit.
Those who wanted to push ahead quickly and recklessly - and spend $7 million with disregard to the broader sentiments of the city - have lost out, while the people who preferred the steady-as-she-goes, little change, option, for a place where you can linger awhile, kick back and slow down, have been victorious."
“Final Victoria Square plan considered” The Press (Online Article)
"Final Victoria Square plan considered" The Press:
"Christchurch City Council is being asked to approve a revised Government plan to restore Victoria Square.
The latest plan sees the layout of Victoria Square remaining largely unchanged and proposes repairs and restoration of existing features. ..."
Media Coverage Of “The Victoria Square Draft Restoration Plan”
Editorial: New plan to restore Victoria Square should satisfy- The Press
CTV First At Five Mark Gerrard Spokesperson for "Victoria Square No Need For Change" interviewed on the release of the Draft Restoration Plan (Link to Youtube. Interview starts 7.04" into video)
Govt backtracks on $7m Victoria Square revamp -The Press
"Victoria Square will remain largely unchanged after a Government backtrack on its unpopular $7 million redevelopment plans."
http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/70261897/govt-backtracks-on-7m-victoria-square-revamp (more…)
“Release of the Victoria Square Draft Restoration Plan” Victoria Square No Need For Change Media Release
“ We are pleased the Minister and CCDU have finally acknowledged that Victoria Square belongs to the Residents of Christchurch. CCDU have finally listened to the Christchurch Residents who have attended meetings, written letters, set Talkback alive and in endless private conversations have repeatedly stated Victoria Square No Need For Change.”
The Media Release is as follows:
“Victoria Square Draft Restoration Plan” Is Out- Submissions Close 31st July 2015
CCDU have released the Victoria Square Draft Restoration Plan:
The Victoria Square Draft Restoration Plan PDF can be downloaded at the following link:
People can have their say online at ccdu.govt.nz/victoria-square and on feedback forms available at all Christchurch City Council service centres and the Future Christchurch Showcase in Re:START Mall.
CERA will run ‘meet the planner sessions’ where planners and members of the Independent Reference Group will be available to answer questions from the public. These will take place 5 – 7pm Tuesday 21 July at Knox Church, as well as 12 – 1pm Thursday 23 July and 5.30 – 6.30pm Wednesday 29 July at the Future Christchurch Showcase
“Christchurch residents reject Cera’s Victoria Square revamp” The Press Online Article (8th) June 2015)
Christchurch residents reject Cera's Victoria Square revamp
"Christchurch residents have railed against a proposed $7 million redevelopment of Victoria Square, saying it only requires repairing and cosmetic changes. ..."