Aku mihi whanui ki a tatou katoa. Greetings to us all.
The founding of Historic Places Aotearoa is a turning point
Kia ora

You have reached the old archived Historic Places Aotearoa web site.
Our new Historic Places Aotearoa web site can be found here:
Our new site has the latest news, media releases, contact details and newsletters etc.
We will be slowly transferring our archive material from this site to our new web site.
Heritage Bites 2022
Heritage Bites: These papers from the cancelled HPA/ICOMOS AGM/Conference in Auckland last year were presented online in weekly sessions starting in February. The papers were well received and if you missed them and want to catch up you can use the following link.
Moira Smith | ICOMOS New Zealand Charter Practice Notes and Best Practice Guidelines |
Dr Renata Jadresin Milic | The Digital Realm and New Zealand Heritage: Bringing Architectural Theory and Practice into the Modern Architects Workflow |
Kurt Bennett | Aotearoa/New Zealand’s shared maritime cultural heritage—HMS Buffalo, a 19th century case study |
Rachel Pascholin | Energy retrofit of historic and heritage buildings in New Zealand: a case study analysis |
Susanne Rawson | Heritage fabric conservation |
New Zealand Urban Design Protocol
You can download the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol from the following page:
Of interest to Heritage Advocates- Section 3
"Key Urban Design Qualities - the Seven Cs
The Urban Design Protocol identifies seven essential design qualities that create quality urban design: the seven Cs. They are: Context, Character, Choice, Connections, Creativity, Custodianship and Collaboration. These are a combination of design processes and outcomes.
The seven Cs:
-provide a checklist of qualities that contribute to quality urban design
-are based on sound urban design principles recognised and demonstrated throughout the world
-explain these qualities in simple language, providing a common basis for discussing urban issues and objectives
-provide core concepts to use in urban design projects and policies
-can be adapted for use in towns and cities throughout New Zealand.
"Quality Urban Design
: celebrates cultural identity and recognises the heritage values of a place
Character ...
Quality urban design reflects and enhances the distinctive character and culture of our urban environment, and recognises that character is dynamic and evolving, not static. It ensures
new buildings and spaces are unique, are appropriate to their location and compliment their historic identity ...
Quality Urban Design
: protects and manages our heritage, including buildings, places and landscapes
“Urban regeneration specialist urges Timaru to consider its heritage as part of its future” Timaru Herald Online Article (06:05:2022)
"Urban regeneration specialist urges Timaru to consider its heritage as part of its future" Timaru Herald Online Article
"Hazelton urged Timaru to look to neighbouring city Dunedin for inspiration, and said the most sustainable approach was looking at what it already had.
“Most of the time when we do have a building get demolished it does just become a car park because the cost of reconstruction and cost of building a new building is so great that the return people have to get from it – you can't rent things for that expense in Dunedin,” Hazelton said.
"Hazelton also spoke about the sustainable aspect of regenerating heritage buildings instead of demolishing them, and the way the Dunedin City Council had regenerated it CBD’s heritage buildings by repurposing them
Dunedin retail quarter redesign sparks business interest- Stuff Online (13:04:2022)
"In the design plans, heritage and character buildings were on full display, while space in front of modern buildings was allocated to greenery... Stuff Online article
Plans unveiled for George Street.
Further media coverage.
Heritage Bites (2022)
Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS New Zealand are pleased to
present a series of digital lunchtime talks on historic heritage matters.
Click at the following link for more information about these sessions on Friday lunchtimes, 12.15pm – 12.45pm
Talks will be delivered via zoom: Contact us at HPA and we'll send you the link: