Tag: Media Release

“Rebuild and repair of Council facilities to accelerate” C.C.C. Media Release (04.09.14)

"At an Earthquake Recovery Committee of the Whole meeting at North Brighton Community Centre, Mayor Dalziel said the Council had set aside a total of $29,087,059 for the repair and rebuild of community facilities and a further $11,703,596 for heritage facilities."

The media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Our Cathedral is not a ruin” Great Christchurch Buildings Trust Media Release (22.08.14)

Great Christchurch Buildings Trust logo"A campaign to save the Christchurch Cathedral begins today, featuring aerial images taken from a helicopter at 500 feet just two months ago, show that the building is not ruined."

"The Great Christchurch Building Trust is behind the campaign and says the new perspective shows that the historic building can be restored."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

Election 2014: Labour’s Heritage Policy Released (Labour Party Media Release)

"Labour believes that knowing and understanding our past and conserving our historic heritage is a critical part of establishing a strong sense of national identity. It is important we tell the stories of our nation’s history, and that places of significance are preserved for future generations."

The following is the text of the Heritage Policy included in  the Labour Party "Arts Culture and Heritage" Policy release. (more…)

“Avoiding disasters with old buildings – 10 do’s and don’ts” Public Lecture: Hertiage New Zealand Media Release

Heritage_New Zealand_logo"An internationally renowned specialist in building materials conservation will hold a free public lecture at the Jubilee Building in Parnell on Monday August 11 (7pm) in association with Heritage New Zealand."
"David Young, whose talk is entitled Avoiding Disasters – 10 things not to do when looking after old buildings, will share some of the do’s and don’ts of heritage conservation based on his experience gained over 30 years in the analysis and repair of historic buildings and sites."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Historic Botanic Gardens glasshouses reopen” C.C.C. Media Release (15.07.14)

"A highlight of this programme over the past month has been the reopening of two glasshouses – the Botanic Gardens’ historic Cuningham House and Townend conservatory".
The Media Release for the Christchurch City Council Community Committee contained the following Heritage news:
Historic Botanic Gardens glasshouses reopen (more…)



Concerned citizens and Canterbury heritage groups including Historic Places Canterbury, IConIC and Civic Trust are appalled at the news that CERA has issued an s38 demolition order on the Christchurch Technical College (now CPIT) Memorial Hall at the request of CPIT.

This imposing building was opened in 1935 as a specially designed memorial to the supreme sacrifice made by 71 former pupils of the Technical College who were killed in World War 1. (more…)

“Unique heritage needs protecting” Media Release From Jacinda Ardern M.P. Labour Party Spokesperson Arts Culture And Heritage (03.07.14)

Jacinda Ardern_1“Labour’s plans to protect Canterbury’s heritage and to support building a liveable city include carrying out an audit of all remaining heritage buildings in the CBD and wider region. We will also repeal Section 38 of the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Act to ensure the community have their say before any more heritage buildings are razed."

“That guarantees the iconic Christchurch cathedral will not be demolished in haste, with any decisions on its future only being made after consultation and a proper Resource Management Act process."

Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Heritage Awards entries now open” Media Release The Christchurch Heritage Awards Charitable Trust (06.06.14)

Canterbury Heritage Awards logo 2012The Christchurch Heritage Awards Charitable Trust is pleased to announce that entries are now open for the 2014 Canterbury Heritage Awards with a new category for 2014 – Heritage of the Future. This award will recognise a new building showing sensitivity to the streetscape and one which will secure a cultural legacy for the future. (more…)

“Cracks appear in the Earthquake-prone Buildings Bill” Federated Farmers Media Release (09.05.14)

FederatedFarmersNZ logo“To us and many submitters, the cure for earthquake-prone buildings could destroy our provincial towns in order to save them. "
“It is hard to disagree with the Property Council of New Zealand, which believes the Bill could work, but only if earthquake strengthening is made tax deductible, qualifying for depreciation."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)