Tag: Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill

“Parapets and facades prioritised in revised earthquake building law” Hon Dr Nick Smith, Minister For Building And Housing Media Release

NZ Parliament Picture1"A new category of priority buildings, covering parts of unreinforced masonry like parapets and facades, is to be included in the Building Act requirements for upgrading earthquake-prone buildings following strong submissions to select committee..."
The Media Release is as follows:

“Parapets and facades prioritised in revised earthquake building law” – Media Coverage

"Time to fix quake-prone buildings halved" RNZ News:

Coverage on Checkpoint RNZ National (Podcast)"
http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/201769054/strengthening-every-unreinforced-masonry-building-in-half-the-time (more…)

“On shaky ground: Millions to fix earthquake-prone buildings” N.Z. Herald Online Article

"Critics say a law change designed to protect us from earthquakes could wipe out many of the country’s old buildings and still fail to make a difference. Faced with a barrage of expert condemnation, the Government is changing tack — but can it come up with a workable compromise?"

Evidence / Submissions for Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Bill To Local Government and Environment Committee Are Availalbe Online

NZ Parliament Picture1The Evidence / Submissions have been released and are available online at the following link:

To find the relevant submissions :
Under Keyword: Type in "Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Bill"
Under Select Committee: Select "Local Government and Environment" (more…)

“Cracks appear in the Earthquake-prone Buildings Bill” Federated Farmers Media Release (09.05.14)

FederatedFarmersNZ logo“To us and many submitters, the cure for earthquake-prone buildings could destroy our provincial towns in order to save them. "
“It is hard to disagree with the Property Council of New Zealand, which believes the Bill could work, but only if earthquake strengthening is made tax deductible, qualifying for depreciation."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Earthquake Prone Buildings Submission” Property Council New Zealand Media Release

Property Council’s policy team has submitted to the Local Government and Environment Committee on the Building (Earthquake Prone Buildings) Amendment Bill. We raised strong concerns about the lack of measures and government policy to deal with, and mitigate, the costs and affordability component of earthquake strengthening. (more…)