Tag: Green Party

Election 2014: Green’s Heritage Policy Released

"Heritage places and collections can provide a platform for an increased understanding of the development of New Zealand's unique culture amongst New Zealanders and heritage and cultural tourism can play an important part in the economic development of local communities, and building community pride and distinctive identity."
The following is the text of the Green Party Heritage Policy release:

“Eugenie Sage speaks on the Second Reading of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill” (Sourced from www.greens.org.nz)

eugenie_sage"Our concern is that this may lead to Heritage New Zealand equivocating and not using its powers as a heritage protection authority under the Resource Management Act, for example, where you have got a conflict between an owner’s desire to modify or harm a heritage building and a need to protect and preserve it"
https://www.greens.org.nz/speeches/eugenie-sage-speaks-second-reading-heritage-new-zealand-pouhere-taonga-bill (The site has a link to a YouTube posting of the speech.)

The text of the speech is as follows: (more…)

“Christchurch people still locked out of city rebuild” Eugenie Sage M.P. Media Release (Green Party)

eugenie_sage"Under CERA's repressive regime, citizens can't use the RMA to either challenge the demolition of significant heritage buildings such as McLeans Mansion, or influence decisions on new buildings which determine the identity of the central city."

Media Relase is as follows. (more…)

Christchurch Cathedral and Heritage Important for City’s Future

Eugenie Sage, Green Party List MP,  has posted a well written blog outlining why she thinks the Cathedral should be saved.
We recommend you click over [and click back] for a read.
Eugenie Sage spoke at the Wizard's "Demo against Demo" at the Anglican Synod. [St Christopher's @10.30am 21st April]. (more…)