Tag: Christchurch City Council

(Historic Places Canterbury) Submission on the Christchurch City Three Year Plan 2013-16 (Draft) Christchurch Otautahi


The following is the text of the submission by Historic Places Canterbury to the Christchurch City Council.

Submission on the

Christchurch City Three Year Plan 2013-16 (Draft) Christchurch Otautahi

From Historic Places Canterbury (more…)

Updated: Deputation on Heritage to C.C.C. Committee by Lianne Dalziel M.P. and Charles Chauvel M.P. (Labour Spokesperson on Heritage)

Lianne Dalziel, M.P.

Lianne Dalziel, M.P.


Charles Chauvel, M.P.


The following is the text of the "Heritage" Deputation made to the Christchurch City Council Committee by Lianne Dalziel, M.P. Canterbury Earthquake Recovery spokesperson (Labour) and Charles Chauvel, M.P. Arts, Culture & Heritage spokesperson (Labour).


Deputation to Christchurch City Council (more…)

Hagley Park: CCC Votes No To Canterbury Cricket Proposal… and then asks for a meeting to find an acceptable solution…

Save Hagley Park are reporting-
"The City Council voted against Canterbury Cricket’s proposal going ahead in its present form.  They want to have a meeting between Canterbury Cricket and
ourselves to try to find an acceptable solution for Hagley Oval."

Save Hagley Park are asking for your feedback. (more…)

UPDATED: Christchurch City Council Rearranges Its Committees.

The C.C.C. has simplified its Committee structure
by creating 4 new committees [and disestablishing 7]
The new Committees are the following:

People Community, Recreation and Culture
Environment and Infrastructure
Corporate and Finance

The Heritage and Arts Committee has been absorbed into the People Community, Recreation and Culture Committee.
The new Council Committees will meet once a month.

Details are as follows-

[Updated] the Committee will meet for the first time  at 9.30 am on the 31st July and starting in September will convene in the first week of every month. (more…)