Tag: Christchurch City Council

Sign of the Takahe- The Christchurch City Council Statement Of Heritage Significance.

Sign of the Takahe (CCC Source)

Sign of the Takahe (Source Christchurch City Council Statement of Heritage Significance)


The Sign of the Takahe is listed in the Christchurch City Plan as a Group 1 heritage building, and is registered by the NZ Historic Places Trust as a Category 1 historic place. (more…)

C. C. C. Community Recreation And Culture Committee Meeting – Media Release (6th August 2013)

The Committee met on the 6th August (2013) and following heritage were covered in the C.C.C. Media Release:

The Committee made a number of key decisions. It will now make recommendations (except the approval of the Heritage Incentive Grants) to the full Council for consideration at its next meeting on 29 August.

  • The committee received a report recommending the Sign of the Takahe, 200 Hackthorne Road, should be repaired to 67 per cent of the New Building Standard. It noted that it wanted more information to be included in the report recommending the repair of the building before it was considered by the Council on 29 August. This included the expected rent received from the building and more information about the recommended repair methodology, including any measures to ensure the building is protected against damage from future earthquakes. (more…)

Restore Christ Church Cathedral Campaign Group submission to the C.C.C. Three Year Plan

Mark Belton Spokesperson for Restore Christ Church Cathedral Campaign generously provided the text of their submission.

Christchurch City Three Year Plan Submission

Subject: Request to Council for provision to assist funding of restoration of Christchurch Cathedral (more…)

Heritage Week: Historic Places Deputation to CRaC Committee 8th May 2013

historic_places_cant_purple_logoThe following is the the text of the Historic Place Canterbury Deputation made to the Christchurch City Council Community, Recreation and Culture Committee (CRaC). Historic  Places Canterbury requested that the Committee recommend  the C.C.C. hold a heritage event this year. (The Staff Report on the CRaC Agenda recommended that "Heritage Week" be deferred until next year and that a scaled down Heritage event not be held this year.) (more…)

Christ Church Cathedral Presentations by N.Z.H.P.T. and Greater Christchurch Buildings Trust To C.C.C. Earthquake Forum 9.30 am Thursday 21st March

SAVING HERITAGEUpdate: The Greater Christchurch Buildings Trust presented a Deputation to the C.C.C. Earthquake Forum. Led by Jim Anderton and Philip Burdon the  GCBT gave an overview of their plan to make safe the Christ Church Cathedral.
The Councillors were not allowed in a ruling by the Mayor to Q&A with the Trust's Deputation "Team".

Rob Hall GM Southern Region NZHPT presented a Deputation on behalf of the Trust.
We have requested a copy of Rob Hall's NZHPT Deputation for posting on this website. Rob Hall's Deputation can be found here.

Note: The Mayor used the word Deputation despite this being a C.C.C. Forum. We shall be seeking a clarification of the Forum's status. (more…)