Tag: Timeball Station

Timeball Blessing Ceremony- Andrew Coleman Draft Speaking Points

Artist Impression (Image supplied Heritage New Zealand

Andrew Coleman CE H.N.Z. has generously provided us with a copy of his Draft Speaking Points for the "Timeball Blessing Ceremony".
The Draft Speaking Points provided are not an accurate record of what was said, but are intended to be used as a guide to the subjects covered in the Speech.

Timeball Blessing Ceremony – notes for Andrew Coleman

  • Introduction/welcome … Minister’s apologies/statement
  • Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the Lyttelton community and all New Zealanders are indebted to the generosity of donors who, through their financial support, have provided the solid foundations to ensure the Timeball will once again drop daily in this port town as it has done since 1876.


“Onsite work at Timeball begins with  sod turning on 5 July” HNZ Media Release

21 June 2017

Onsite work at Timeball begins with  sod turning on 5 July

The first sod will be turned at the Reserve Terrace site in Lyttelton on Wednesday 5 July at a construction blessing to mark the beginning of onsite work to return the iconic black Timeball, with its Cantabrian red stripe, and tower to the port town.

When completed visitors will again be able to see the Timeball drop at 1pm each day while enjoying the harbour and town views in the park-like surrounds.  An automated Timeball mechanism will be housed inside the tower which, as part of the requirement to get building consent, precludes visitors from entering.

“We looked into retaining and repairing the existing mechanism as part of the project but, for a number of reasons, the automated option was chosen,” says Heritage Destinations General Manager Nick Chin.

“The existing mechanism was extensively damaged during the 2011 quakes and was in an extremely fragile state when retrieved.  Even if restored there was no guarantee how long all the parts would last, so maintenance costs and longevity were issues.  Also, with the public unable to access inside the new tower to view the existing mechanism if rebuilt, it was felt an automated mechanism was a better option. (more…)

“Lyttelton’s heritage Timeball Station was under-insured by $3.6m” The Press (Online Article 06.12.2015)

Updated:Heritage New Zealand have issued a Media Release in response to The Press article and it can be found at the following link-

“Heritage New Zealand responds to Timeball Station insurance article” HNZ Media Release

The Press Reported:

"... In 2010, the HeritageNZ board reduced insurance cover on its properties to a maximum of two-thirds, (HNZ national business manager Julie) Rowan said. Later that year, the earthquakes began. ...
"The board considered that any loss greater than two-thirds would reduce the likelihood of a rebuild," she said.
"Where we are able to reduce the premiums we pay, cost savings can be used for areas such as pre-emptive strengthening and maintenance of the buildings we care for," Rowan said. "

"Lyttelton's heritage Timeball Station was under-insured by $3.6m"  The Press

“Helping the Timeball Station to rise again” NZHPT Media Release (12th December 2013)

NZHPT logo-New"Holcim New Zealand has got behind the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) plan to rebuild the Timeball Station in some form at Lyttelton.
The company has donated $100,000 to the project from the Earthquake Fund they set up soon after the February 2011 earthquake. This fund included a generous donation from their parent company Holcim Ltd."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)