Tag: Donation

“Helping the Timeball Station to rise again” NZHPT Media Release (12th December 2013)

NZHPT logo-New"Holcim New Zealand has got behind the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) plan to rebuild the Timeball Station in some form at Lyttelton.
The company has donated $100,000 to the project from the Earthquake Fund they set up soon after the February 2011 earthquake. This fund included a generous donation from their parent company Holcim Ltd."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

Here Is Your Chance To Make The New Zealand Government Pay For Saving Christchurch’s Heritage

Interested? Every one of your heritage dollars donated to the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund will be matched dollar for dollar by the New Zealand Government.

The fund is an approved donee organization so a tax credit …
The Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund  has a fundraising web site up and running here. (more…)