Tag: Heritage

“CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF HERITAGE – HERITAGE AUCKLAND MOTHER’S DAY TEA” Sunday 11th May (Media Release : Heritage Auckland 10.04.2014)

Dining ladies old style

Dining ladies old style (Source: Heritage Auckland Media Release)

"To mark the building’s centenary, Heritage Auckland is recreating an extra special tea in the roof-top Grand Tearoom on Sunday 11 May."
"The room will be presented as it was in its hey-day with individual tables for families of all ages and friends to share together. Guests can immerse themselves in another era and come along in a chic hat to be in to win a prize on the day."
"Morning and afternoon sessions are available. Bookings are essential. No door sales."
The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

The Second Generation Plan for Dunedin: Preferred Options Phase August 2013 – Dunedin City Council

"We are reviewing the Plan as a whole to fix the parts that are not clear or working properly, to recognise the changes to land use and development within Dunedin, to discourage poor development and to align with changes in national policy guidance.

The review will produce a second generation plan (2GP), which is the second plan prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991. This is a long process with a lot of research and analysis, and input from stakeholders and the community." (more…)

“Changes could drive Dunedin facelift” Otago Daily Times (Online Article) 3rd August 2013

"... Heritage buildings would also face changes under the proposals, including rezoning the warehouse heritage precinct from the ''nonsense'' of large-scale retail to a mixed-use approach. .."

"Changes could drive Dunedin facelift"   Otago Daily Times reports on start of the six week consultation on the "next stage of work on the second generation district plan".


NZHPT Restructuring: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill Passes First Reading

The Bill (No. 327-1) has been referred to Parliament's Local Government and Environment Committee.
"This bill replaces the Historic Places Act 1993, which established the New Zealand Historic Places Trust (Pouhere Taonga), to rename the Trust as Heritage New Zealand and reform its governance and structure."
First Reading: 8/5/12
Submissions due: 21/6/12 19/7/12
Report due: 8/11/12
Historic Places Aotearoa is preparing a submission. Contact Anna Crighton (President Historic Places Aotearoa.)
Local Government and Environment Committee Members- (more…)