Tag: Media Release

“Earthquake-prone buildings policy announced” Building And Construction Minister Maurice Williamson Media Release

Maurice Williamson M.P.“Under a nationally consistent system, an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 earthquake-prone buildings will be identified through assessments within five years of legislation taking effect.  Those building owners will then have another 15 years to carry out strengthening work or have buildings demolished.  The timeframe is five years longer than initially proposed."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“IPENZ concerns with new earth-quake prone building rules” IPENZ Media Release

"The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) is analysing the Government’s changes to earth-quake prone buildings, announced today, with particular concerns about the assessment process and increased pressure on the already severe shortage of engineers."
The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

C. C. C. Community Recreation And Culture Committee Meeting – Media Release (6th August 2013)

The Committee met on the 6th August (2013) and following heritage were covered in the C.C.C. Media Release:

The Committee made a number of key decisions. It will now make recommendations (except the approval of the Heritage Incentive Grants) to the full Council for consideration at its next meeting on 29 August.

  • The committee received a report recommending the Sign of the Takahe, 200 Hackthorne Road, should be repaired to 67 per cent of the New Building Standard. It noted that it wanted more information to be included in the report recommending the repair of the building before it was considered by the Council on 29 August. This included the expected rent received from the building and more information about the recommended repair methodology, including any measures to ensure the building is protected against damage from future earthquakes. (more…)

“Cathedral Court Result A Tragedy” Rt Hon Winston Peters M.P. Media Release

winston-peters-full“There is significant insurance money that has been paid to the Church Property Trustees. What is needed is an aggressive, local and central government supported fundraising programme to address the funding deficit of the Cathedral’s restoration and in so doing show a real commitment to the restoration of Christchurch as well.”
The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Christchurch people still locked out of city rebuild” Eugenie Sage M.P. Media Release (Green Party)

eugenie_sage"Under CERA's repressive regime, citizens can't use the RMA to either challenge the demolition of significant heritage buildings such as McLeans Mansion, or influence decisions on new buildings which determine the identity of the central city."

Media Relase is as follows. (more…)

“Te Waimate Mission to get new roof” N.Z.H.P.T. Media Release

Te Waimate reshingling

A protective cover is placed over Te Waimate Mission in preparation for the re-shingling work.

New Zealands's second oldest building has been temporarily closed to the public - but there's a very good reason.

Te Waimate Mission – built in 1832 and now cared for by the NZ Historic Places Trust – is currently being re-roofed with wooden shingles which, once completed, will recapture some of the building’s distinctive character and charm."

Media Release is as follows:


(Bishop’s House) “Ponsonby landmark registered” N.Z.H.P.T. Media Release

Bishops House Ponsonby"The historic importance of a Ponsonby landmark has been recognised by the country’s lead heritage agency.

The NZ Historic Places Trust recently registered Bishop’s House as a Category 1 historic place, identifying it as a place of outstanding heritage significance."

Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Alberton celebrates its 150th” N.Z.H.P.T. Media Release

NZHPT logo-New"A number of special events have been planned to celebrate,” says the Manager of Alberton, Rendell McIntosh.
“These include two ‘Pop Up Dinners’ on July 26 and 27, with special themes of Raj Dinner and Motherland Revisited ...”
“Other special events include two 150th Anniversary Balls on August 31 and September 14,” says Rendell.

Media Release is as follows: (more…)