“There is significant insurance money that has been paid to the Church Property Trustees. What is needed is an aggressive, local and central government supported fundraising programme to address the funding deficit of the Cathedral’s restoration and in so doing show a real commitment to the restoration of Christchurch as well.”
The Media Release is as follows:
26 July 2013
Cathedral Court Result A Tragedy
New Zealand First leader Rt Hon Winston Peters says that the Court of Appeal’s decision to find against the Great Christchurch Buildings Trust is a tragedy for the world-famous Cathedral and cultural continuity in Canterbury.
“The Christchurch Cathedral was the focal point of the community. It attracted businesses, local residents, overseas tourists and domestic holidaymakers. To see the Church Property Trustees turn their back on a building of such significance to the community is a tragedy.”
Mr Peters says that while it is important that the rebuild focus is on repairing or replacing quake-damaged homes, Christchurch must also fight to retain its cultural legacy and heritage.
“The Christchurch Cathedral is an anchor for the community. It has something that hundreds of thousands of Cantabrians have grown up with and looked to as one of their community’s defining features.”
Mr Peters says that while the Court decision might not have gone the way people wanted, it is not a reason to abandon this cause.
“There is significant insurance money that has been paid to the Church Property Trustees. What is needed is an aggressive, local and central government supported fundraising programme to address the funding deficit of the Cathedral’s restoration and in so doing show a real commitment to the restoration of Christchurch as well.”
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