Tag: Media Release

“New Quilts for Old Beds at Highwic” NZHPT Media Release (30th August 2013)

NZHPT Quilting_20130611_64-3 (4) (Custom)

Some of the modern quilts which will be on display at Highwic.

"A new take on a traditional art form will be displayed at Highwic, the NZ Historic Places Trust property in Newmarket, from mid-September."

"The Point Chevalier Monday Modern Quilt Group will showcase a range of their stunning pieces in an exhibition New Quilts for Old Beds running from September 18 through to September 29"

The Media Release is as follows:


“New Zealand signs up to protect culture and heritage in times of war” Media Release: Chris Finlayson, Minister For Arts Culture And Heritage

Hon_Christopher_Finlayson“Cultural property” under the bill includes important cultural heritage as well as the buildings in which it is held...."
"....In New Zealand, category 1 historic places and registered wahi tapu are also likely to be included, along with the list of national historic landmarks currently being considered by the government."

Christopher Finlayson (more…)

A UK offer to assist with restoration of broken stained glass windows in Christ Church Cathedral has been re-confirmed. Dr Anna Crighton. (Media Release.)

A UK offer to assist with restoration of broken stained glass windows in Christ Church Cathedral has been re-confirmed. Dr Anna Crighton Chair of the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund Trust said that with the restoration of the cathedral closer to reality she has been contacted by Phillida Shaw, representing The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, London, (more…)

“New life for re-opened Grubb Cottage” C.C.C. Media Release 19th August 2013

"Strengthening work carried out on Grubb Cottage prior to the Canterbury earthquakes was instrumental in getting the building to 86 per cent of the New Building Standards. As a result, though there is still some work to do on the cottage to stabilise the fireplace, the building can be used and in a double win, Grubb Cottage is also now able to be visited by the public."

The Media Release is as follows. (more…)