Tag: Minister for Building and Housing

“Parapets and facades prioritised in revised earthquake building law” Hon Dr Nick Smith, Minister For Building And Housing Media Release

NZ Parliament Picture1"A new category of priority buildings, covering parts of unreinforced masonry like parapets and facades, is to be included in the Building Act requirements for upgrading earthquake-prone buildings following strong submissions to select committee..."
The Media Release is as follows:

“Emergency management of buildings to change” Hon Dr Minister For Building and Housing (Media Release)

“These new powers significantly impact on people’s private property rights, as well as heritage and safety. We are keen to consult with building owners, members of the building profession, local authorities and the general public to get the detail right.”
The Media Release is as follows (more…)

Reform Of RMA Speech Given By Hon Dr Nick Smith Minster For Building and Housing: Links To HPA Postings

We have linked the HPA postings of Hon Dr Nick Smith's Speech,  related Media Release and the MOTU Report cited:
“Overhauling the Resource Management Act” Speech by Hon Dr Nick Smith M.P.

“RMA reform agenda outlined” Media Release Hon Dr Nick Smith Minister For Building and Housing

“Impacts of Planning Rules, Regulations, Uncertainty and Delay on Residential Property Development” MOTU Report (Cited By Hon Dr Nick Smith)

“Overhauling the Resource Management Act” Speech by Hon Dr Nick Smith M.P.

"The second problem is that the RMA puts huge weight on protecting landscape, amenity, natural character and heritage without any balancing consideration over the cost implications."
(The relevant  section has been highlighted in the following text of the Speech.)

The text of Hon Dr Nick Smith's Speech to Nelson Rotary is as follows:


“Impacts of Planning Rules, Regulations, Uncertainty and Delay on Residential Property Development” MOTU Report (Cited By Hon Dr Nick Smith)

"Impacts of Planning Rules, Regulations, Uncertainty and Delay on Residential Property Development" MOTU Report is cited by Hon Dr Nick Smith is speech “Overhauling the Resource Management Act”.
The report can downloaded from this link:

In a quick search we have found references to Heritage in the following sections of the MOTU Report. (more…)