Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy Announcement: Bruce Chapman C.E.O. N.Z.H.P.T. Media Statement

NZHPT letterhead logoBruce Chapman (C.E.O N.Z.H.P.T.) has generously made available the text of  his "Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy Announcement" Media Statement.

"The timeframes for national historic landmarks and Category 1 historic places provide owners with the opportunity to plan for both assessing their properties, where this hasn't already been done, and to explore options for funding this work. (more…)

Historic Places Aotearoa Submission For Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill

Historic Places Aotearoa Executive has released the text of their submission to the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill. This Bill restructures the current New Zealand Historic Places Trust. Some of the proposed changes include the following: renaming the NZHPT  as Heritage New Zealand, abolition of the regional branch committees, (more…)