"Two very different examples of the performing arts will take place at Alberton, the NZ Historic Places Trust property in Mt Albert at the end of the month."
The Media Release is as follows: (more…)
"Two very different examples of the performing arts will take place at Alberton, the NZ Historic Places Trust property in Mt Albert at the end of the month."
The Media Release is as follows: (more…)
Bruce Chapman (C.E.O N.Z.H.P.T.) has generously made available the text of his "Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy Announcement" Media Statement.
"The timeframes for national historic landmarks and Category 1 historic places provide owners with the opportunity to plan for both assessing their properties, where this hasn't already been done, and to explore options for funding this work. (more…)
Details appear in the NZHP Register [online]-
"Heritage trust may enter cathedral fight" The Press Reporter Charlie Gates writes the NZHPT is considering whether to use its powers to intervene in the Christ Church Cathedral. (more…)
The Historic Places Wellington submission for The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill – (more…)
New Legal Opinion Challenges [NZ]HPT to withhold giving approval to demolition of Cathedral. Mai Chen is now involved.
"Chen adds weight to demo debate" (The Press online).
Text of The Restore Christchurch Cathedral Group Media Release as is follows- (more…)
"Heritage buildings nationwide increasingly face the wrecking ball as owners grapple with quake-strengthening costs..." [Dominion Post article 13/10/2012]
NZHPT Chief Exec Bruce Chapman extensively quoted in "Time to farewell old sweethearts?". (more…)
"Deal could be close on Princes St buildings" Otago Daily Times reports on progress in saving the buildings (and NZHPT's role).
Historic Places Aotearoa Executive has released the text of their submission to the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill. This Bill restructures the current New Zealand Historic Places Trust. Some of the proposed changes include the following: renaming the NZHPT as Heritage New Zealand, abolition of the regional branch committees, (more…)
Submissions is now closed for the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill. (more…)