Tag: Historic Places Wellington

Proposed Earthquake Strengthening Rules- Some News Coverage

'Unfair' to impose strengthening costs on owners  " Wellington City Councillor Iona Pannett reported by Radio New Zealand.

"More heritage demolitions likely" [The Dominion Post Online]
Dominion Post has reaction to the proposals for Earthquake Strengthening Rules from Wellington Property Developers and Property's Council's Conal Townsend . "More heritage demolitions likely" [Link to article online.]

We recommend you read "Accelerate heritage building retention  by accelerating depreciation and expenses" by Peter Dowell, Heritage Building Developer. (more…)

Historic Places Wellington – AGM 17th September

On the 3rd July 2012, Historic Places Wellington was Incorporated by the Companies Office.

HPW's AGM is to be held at St Andrews Church Hall,
30 The Terrace, Wellington on 17th September 2012 at 5.45pm

You are all welcome & drinks will be served from 5.15pm
Guest Speaker - Councillor Iona Pannett

See you there !