Tag: Historic Places Canterbury

Heritage Week: Historic Places Deputation to CRaC Committee 8th May 2013

historic_places_cant_purple_logoThe following is the the text of the Historic Place Canterbury Deputation made to the Christchurch City Council Community, Recreation and Culture Committee (CRaC). Historic  Places Canterbury requested that the Committee recommend  the C.C.C. hold a heritage event this year. (The Staff Report on the CRaC Agenda recommended that "Heritage Week" be deferred until next year and that a scaled down Heritage event not be held this year.) (more…)

(Historic Places Canterbury) Submission on the Christchurch City Three Year Plan 2013-16 (Draft) Christchurch Otautahi


The following is the text of the submission by Historic Places Canterbury to the Christchurch City Council.

Submission on the

Christchurch City Three Year Plan 2013-16 (Draft) Christchurch Otautahi

From Historic Places Canterbury (more…)

Historic Places Canterbury Media Release: Support Our M.P.s Supporting Our Heritage Public Rally- 12.30pm 24th May


Christchurch MPs are to receive NZ’s heaviest Heritage Open Letter (a 15kg stone tablet) addressed to Prime Minister John Key and Ministers, along with a heritage petition signed by 5000.

Media release from:
Historic Places Canterbury, IConIC, Christchurch Civic Trust, 21 May 2013 (more…)