Tag: Historic Places Aotearoa

“Historic Places Aotearoa Welcomes Government Tax Changes” Historic Places Aotearoa Media Release April 2020

Historic Places Aotearoa Welcomes Government Tax Changes

Historic Places Aotearoa (HPA) applauds the Government for including depreciation of earthquake strengthening in its COVID-19 stimulation packages, and providing real incentives for commercial heritage building owners.

HPA President James Blackburne said this initiative would be welcomed by commercial heritage building owners facing the burden of earthquake strengthening.

"The depreciation rate of two percent diminishing value is a good first step. We are looking forward to the Government's new heritage initiatives.

"Work on heritage buildings can be quickly made ‘shovel ready’ and this applies to strengthening. This meets the Government’s intention in their Stimulus Bills.”

Mr Blackburne commended Minister Grant Robertson for acting on the Cullen Tax Working Group's recommendation, and the Opposition's Paul Goldsmith for supporting the Bill.

Whanganui District Council councillor Helen Craig welcomed the changes, which the council and local heritage organisations had lobbied long and hard for, due to the city’s significant heritage town centre.

“A full range of incentives are needed to support heritage building redevelopment due to high costs versus the value of buildings, especially in provincial New Zealand.  

“New Zealanders value their heritage but it's rapidly deteriorating and at risk due to age, changing demand and use for inner city spaces, and earthquake strengthening requirements."

Heritage restoration advocate Dame Anna Crighton concurred.

"As chair of a heritage trust restoring two commercial heritage buildings, I can state the changes to depreciation is a prudent and worthwhile practical help.

"Depreciated strengthening supports the ‘adaptive reuse’ of heritage buildings. We can look forward to seeing vibrant heritage buildings in our cities and provincial main streets."


The Government now allows commercial building owners, including heritage building owners, to depreciate the capital cost of earthquake strengthening by 2 percent in diminishing value.

In addition, this will be an incentive for Heritage Building "Adaptive Reuse" Projects where the original use is changed ie, a government building interior is converted to lawyers offices with full IT support.

(The change was made in Section 39 of the COVID-19 Response (Taxation and Social Assistance Urgent Measures) Act 2020 Public Act 2020 No 8. Date of Ascent March 2020.)

Media Contact: 
James Blackburne
President Historic Places Aotearoa
Moblile: 027 481 8093


Ministry for the Environment Manatū Mō Te Taiao

“Comprehensive review of the resource management system – preliminary questions for initial stakeholder engagement” HPA Submission

The following is the text of the Historic Places Submission:

Dear Review Panel

This submission is made by Historic Places Aotearoa (HPA) which welcomes the opportunity to comment on the issues and options paper relating to the RMA review.
The reasons for making this submission are that HPA promotes the preservation of historic places in Aotearoa New Zealand. HPA also has an interest in promoting the education of the public in the appreciation of heritage values. HPA is a key stakeholder in 
the consultation process and answerable to its affiliated regional societies and affiliated membership.

HPA makes the following two main points. Firstly, we do not wish to see the existing (fairly weak) support for built and other heritage in the RMA further weakened. While heritage is identified as a matter of national significance, in practice the general provision often falls short for actual protection in specific cases. In the last three years, for example, 3 Category 1 Heritage New Zealand listed buildings either have already been demolished or are in the process of being demolished. These are Aniwaniwa (Visitors Center Lake Waikaremoana), Erskin College main block Wellington, and the former teachers college at Karori Wellington.

Countless category 2 buildings have been demolished all around Aotearoa. Councils are generally under resourced to support property owners who are willing to repair substandard heritage buildings. In other cases, owners target heritage buildings as a cheap option for demolition and development. 

HPA supports efforts to make good use of urban space for much needed additional housing etc, but not at the further expense of retaining heritage buildings. 

Secondly, HPA supports the idea to introduce a mechanism for Councils to use spacial planning as a way of directing development into suitable specified areas, and thus provide clearer signals about where development and intensification would be welcome while identifying heritage areas where that is not suitable. 

Yours sincerely

President Historic Places Aotearoa              

HPA “Submission on NATIONAL POLICY STATEMENT – URBAN DEVELOPMENT” ( Ministry for the Environment Manatū Mō Te Taiao


The following is the text of the Historic Places Aotearoa Submission:

Submission on


This submission is made by Historic Places Aotearoa Inc. (HPA) which welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD).

The reasons for making this submission are that HPA promotes the preservation of historic places in Aotearoa New Zealand. HPA also has an interest to promote the education of the public in the appreciation of heritage values. HPA is a key stakeholder in the consultation process and answerable to its affiliated regional societies and associated membership.

HPA has reviewed the NPS-UD and considered the impact the proposed statement will make with respect to this countries heritage buildings.

HPA has a particular interest in the subject of this NPS-UD, as it has the potential to dramatically change the distinctive heritage character of sections of New Zealand cities and towns.


REMINDER: Historic Places Aotearoa / ICOMOS NZ Joint Conference (2019) Registration Is Due 1st October

The joint Conference is being held in Gisborne Tairāwhiti, on the 11-13 October.

Time has been set aside for Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ to hold their respective AGMs during the Conference.

Registration and payment for the Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ Joint Conference is due 1 October 2019.

HPA President Addresses The Whanganui Heritage Trust AGM (2019)

The following report (and image) of James Blackburne's Whanganui Heritage Trust AGM Presentation appears in the HNZPT "Heritage This Month" e-newsletter.

HPA President James Blackburne (Source HNZPT Heritage This Month)

Key messages given to Whanganui Heritage Trust AGM

Fifty members of the Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust were urged to get out and tell the stories of our heritage places by James Blackburne (pictured), President of Historic Places Aotearoa, at the trust’s recent annual general meeting in Whanganui.

James, an architectural partner based in Gisborne, has been working hard since the formation of Historic Places Aotearoa in 2010 at building a network of likeminded, independent regional heritage organisations in New Zealand.


“The Heritage of Change” Conference 2019 : Historic Places Aotearoa & ICOMOS NZ (Preliminary Details)

Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ are holding a joint Conference this year. There will be breakout time for each to hold their respective AGMs.

11 - 13 October 2019 Gisborne Tairāwhiti

Waikanae Beach Surf Lifesaving clubrooms 282 Grey Street Gisborne

A detailed programme is being developed and information will be sent out as soon as it is available.
This preliminary flier is to assist attendees with travel plans; travel to and from Gisborne is restricted by limited flight availability.
This early notice of conference dates and times is to enable attendees to make early travel and accommodation bookings.

Welcome to the joint 2019 conference of Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ


“Tax changes for earthquake-prone buildings wins support” James Blackburne President HPA (Media Release)

 Tax changes for earthquake-prone buildings wins support 

 Historic Places Aotearoa applauds the tax working group’s proposed changes to tax policy relating to earthquake strengthening of buildings. 

HPA President James Blackburne supports the initiative to review or change the tax policy as it would benefit owners of earthquake-prone buildings, many of which are an integral part of New Zealand’s heritage . 

“One option being considered is to restore building depreciation for seismic strengthening work on commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential buildings. 

“Reinstating building depreciation deductions or allowing owners to claim strengthening as a repair and maintenance cost will benefit owners of earthquake-prone buildings. 

”While the devil will be in the detail as to whether it will be implemented and in what form, the underlying concept of tax relief will have a positive effect because it will reduce the cost to building owners of strengthening buildings and may mean that strengthening is considered rather than demolition being seen as the only viable option. 

“We believe this will have a positive effect on the retention rate of heritage buildings throughout New Zealand, and in particular provincial New Zealand, where many main streets are lined with unreinforced masonry heritage buildings.” 

Mr Blackburne said the proposed tax change, in addition to the continuing with Heritage EQUIP grants, would be of benefit to owners. 

Heritage EQUIP offers two grants for seismic strengthening projects – Upgrade Works Grants to a maximum of $400,000 or, for regional building owners, up to two thirds of seismic upgrade works; and Professional Advice Grants to a maximum of $50,000 per project or, for regional building owners, up to two thirds of professional advice costs. 

The new professional advice grants are aimed specifically at regional building owners outside the three main centres. 

 James Blackburne 
President Historic Places Aotearoa 

 P 0274818093 

c/o P O Box 1241 

Historic Places Aotearoa In The News: “Heritage advocates want more historic buildings to be protected from demolition in emergencies” (Stuff Online Article)

Heritage advocates want more historic buildings to be protected from demolition in emergencies (Stuff Online Article)

"Heritage advocates, Historic Places Aotearoa, want more heritage buildings to be protected from demolition in emergencies, its submission on the Building Amendment Bill says.

The bill, currently at select committee, adds emergency powers to and amends the Building Act 2004 to improve systems for managing damaged dangerous buildings in emergencies and for investigating building failures."

"Historic Places Aotearoa, and a member organisation Historic Places Canterbury, want the protection in the bill widened to include top tier or highly significant heritage buildings scheduled in territorial authorities' district plans."
