Tag: Heritage Event
Visit the Iconic Maraekakaho Woolshed

If you want to bring the family the cost for children is $5 per head with a maximum charge of $40 per family.
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)- The Ministry Of Health-Manatū Hauora Advice :The Web Site
The Ministry Of Health-Manatū Hauora has a web site with the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19:
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
The site has very comprehensive advice for anyone planning a public event (indoors or outdoors):
COVID-19 - Advice for public events and mass gatherings
POSTPONED TO SUNDAY 1OTH MARCH!: Historic Places Mid-Canterbury Garden Party on Sunday February 24th 2pm at the Historic Mount Somers School House
Mount Somers School House
State Highway 72, Mount Somers
Join us for a House Tour, Garden Tour and delightful afternoon tea!
This is for members only, although you are welcome to bring along a friend.
Need a ride? No worries, just let Marian or Julie know and one of our committee will be delighted to transport you.
$16 per person
Payment can be made directly to our account -email Julie and she'll give you the bank account number.
or posted to HPMC, C/- 21 Philip Street, Ashburton, or collected on the day.
Please RSVP by Friday February 22th to Marian Martin phone 308-8342
or Julie Luxton on 308-3866 (leave a message), or email jules.glassart@xtra.co.nz
We do need to know numbers for our catering. Hope to see you there.
Kind regards
The First Blue Plaque Is Unveiled By Historic Places Mid Canterbury: The Ashburton Railway Footbridge

The Blue Plaque is unveiled by Councillor Lynette Lovett, Nigel Gilkison ( Deputy Chair HPMC) and Dr Anna Crighton
Historic Places Mid Canterbury has unveiled their first Blue Plaque marking the Centenary of the Ashburton Railway Footbridge.
The plaque was formally unveiled at 10am on the 24th November.
There was a very well attended celebration Morning Tea at the Ashburton Museum afterwards.
Full credit goes to Nigel Gilkison who drove the project &
HPMC , McIntosh Precast Ltd who made / sponsored the concrete plinth and
Ashburton District Council who sponsored the plaques casting.
Historic Places Mid Canterbury Unveils The Ashburton Railway Footbridge Blue Plaque
Historic Places Mid Canterbury (HPMC) unveiled their first Blue Plaque. The Blue Plaque celebrates 100 years of the iconic Ashburton Railway Pedestrian Footbridge.
The Blue Plaque is an initiative of HPMC and expect to see more of them as they start to market the project around the country.
NGAIO MARSH’S BIRTHDAY PARTY – Sunday April 23 5 – 7 pm
Sunday April 23 5 - 7 pm
A Fundraiser for the Ngaio Marsh House and Heritage Trust.
5-6 pm Wine and nibbles
6-7 pm Crime Fiction
A presentation by Ray Berard
Winner of Ngaio Marsh Award for Best First Crime Novel 2016
" Inside the Black Horse" described by the judges as a 'lucid and potent portrait of good people and gangsters that is unmistakably Kiwi in flavour and tone...a fine crime story with considerable depth'
A 'not to be missed' event for advocates of crime fiction and Dame Ngaio Marsh.
TICKETS $25, Available at Paper Plus, Merivale
INFORMATION: phone Jane 021 02405979
or: janeyryder@gmail.com
Historic Places Mid Canterbury Members Only: Garden Party On Sunday February 19th At 2pm
Historic Places Mid Canterbury Garden Party is being held this Sunday February 19th February at 2pm.
"Dainty cakes, fancy treats and fine bone china are also on the agenda."
This is a Member's Only Event, though you can bring a friend-
to reserve a place, venue details etc RSVP to Marian Martin on 308-8342 or Julie Luxton on 308-3866.
There is a small charge of $5 each to cover costs.
HPMC Heritage Event: AEROVIEW 2 pm Sunday July 3rd
You are invited to a social afternoon at
Sunday July 3rd starting at 2pm
All welcome
Situated just on the outskirts of Ashburton, owners Peter (Mac on the local radio station) and Larraine McQuarters have spent their lives gathering fascinating jewels from a by-gone age all lovingly displayed for us to view. Their obsession with all things vintage extends to the colourful collection of antique Edison Phonographs, 78 rpm Gramo-phones, valve radios, vintage Black and White TV’s and classic broadcasting equip-ment. There’s even old radio broadcast consoles, studio microphones from the 40’s, and an example of the first type of NZBC Studio Television cameras used in the pio-neering days of television in New Zealand, the ubiquitous Marconi Mk IV. (more…)
“The Heritage of Sport”- World Heritage Day 18th April 20016
"The 2016 theme for the ICOMOS International Day on Monuments and Sites celebrated on 18 April is: The Heritage of Sport ..."
18 April - Ideas for celebrating (Link)