Tag: Fund

“Heritage fund eligibility widened for owners” Heritage New Zealand Media Release (02:05:2018)




2 May 2018

Heritage fund eligibility widened for owners

To further promote the ongoing protection and future of significant historic and heritage sites, the Government has broadened the eligibility criteria of the National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund (NHPIF) that Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga administers on its behalf.

From 1 May, applications are open to all private property owners of places listed on the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero, with the exception of historic areas.  This includes Category 1 and Category 2 properties, as well as sites of significance to Māori.  The closing date for applications to the $500,000 contestable fund is 16 July.

“We are particularly interested in receiving applications for the conservation of sites significant   to Māori, sites that support regional economic development and  those supporting seismic strengthening by assisting with a professional seismic assessment being undertaken,” says Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Chief Executive Andrew Coleman. (more…)

Here Is Your Chance To Make The New Zealand Government Pay For Saving Christchurch’s Heritage

Interested? Every one of your heritage dollars donated to the Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund will be matched dollar for dollar by the New Zealand Government.

The fund is an approved donee organization so a tax credit …
The Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Buildings Fund  has a fundraising web site up and running here. (more…)