Images of the HPA Combined Conference 2019 held in Gisborne.

Images of the HPA Combined Conference 2019 held in Gisborne.
The joint Conference is being held in Gisborne Tairāwhiti, on the 11-13 October.
Time has been set aside for Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ to hold their respective AGMs during the Conference.
Registration and payment for the Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ Joint Conference is due 1 October 2019.
The "Heritge EQUIP" Earthquake upgrade incentive programme website has Case Studies on the Heritage Buildings that have received grants.
"This Christchurch home was where Kate Sheppard and suffragist supporters spent much time working towards New Zealand becoming the first self-governing country in the world to grant women the vote. It was here that the 270-metre petition was pasted together before being presented to Parliament."
The following is the media Release by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga announcing the purchase.
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and the University of Canterbury (UC) are delighted with the Government purchase of theCategory 1 listed Kate Sheppard House in Christchurch, as announced by Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minister Megan Woods today.
(more…)The following report (and image) of James Blackburne's Whanganui Heritage Trust AGM Presentation appears in the HNZPT "Heritage This Month" e-newsletter.
Key messages given to Whanganui Heritage Trust AGM
Fifty members of the Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust were urged to get out and tell the stories of our heritage places by James Blackburne (pictured), President of Historic Places Aotearoa, at the trust’s recent annual general meeting in Whanganui.
James, an architectural partner based in Gisborne, has been working hard since the formation of Historic Places Aotearoa in 2010 at building a network of likeminded, independent regional heritage organisations in New Zealand.