Tag: Workshop

“Oral history workshop a hit” (Heritage New Zealand Media Release)

Atareiria Heihei, Monica Heihei, Taina McGregor, Jack Kemp and Sarah Taiapo practice their video interview skills on the oral history workshop. (l-r)

"A workshop designed to help people hone their skills in recording oral history may be the first of many.
The two-day seminar, held in Kerikeri recently, was led by Taina McGregor, Oral History Advisor, Maori at the Alexander Turnbull Library, and has earned rave reviews from participants on the pilot course according to organiser Atareiria Heihei of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. "

“It was also great to be able to share this knowledge with other people who are working with oral history, or who want to become more involved. We’re looking forward to holding more of these two day courses next year, and will publicise dates and times once details are finalised.” 

A workshop on writing abstracts for recorded interviews is currently being organised for the new year


Conservation Workshop 11th -15th August 2014 : Heritage New Zealand Media Release

Heritage_New Zealand_logo"Heritage New Zealand has arranged for internationally renowned Australian conservation expert,  David Young, to run this Auckland-only workshop introducing buildings conservation, maintenance and understanding traditional building materials – including masonry, mortars, lime plasters, wood and timbers, paints and metals."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

HPA Workshop 12th & 13th July (2014) Avebury House Christchurch

hpa-logo-purpleA reminder that the Historic Places Aotearoa Workshop is being held on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th July at the two storey victorian "Avebury House". The Workshop is  open to all members.

Please contact your branch chair for details or HPA President Dr. Anna Crighton.

Avebury House: Avebury Park, 9 Eveleyn Couzins Avenue, Richmond, Christchurch.
Avebury House: A History (Extract From CCC Report)