At the Executive meeting held after the Historic Places Aotearoa AGM, Dr. Anna Crighton was re-elected as President.
The existing HPA Executive were returned.
James Blackburne is the Deputy.
The HPA Exceutive is: David White, Jimmy Wallace, Peter Dowell and Mark Gerrard
Tag: Historic Places Aotearoa
Historic Places Aotearoa AGM: Saturday 16th November 2013
Improving Our Resource Management System Discussion Document – Historic Places Aotearoa Submission
The following is the text of the Historic Places Aotearoa submission. (more…)
Building Seismic Performance Consultation- Historic Places Aotearoa Submission
The Historic Submission is available as a PDF download.
HPA Building Seismic Performance consultation_Submission
Sponsorship Statement:
The following have generously contributed to Historic Places Aotearoa and we are grateful for their sponsorship and support.
R S M L A W, Timaru, for legal services.
- Paul Hastings & Co., Wellington.
Goldsmith Fox RDR, Chch, for accountancy services.
Please contact us if you would like to make a donation, grant or sponsorship.
Historic Places Aotearoa President’s Update 2012
Patron: Dame Anne Salmond, DBR, FRSNZ, FBA
President’s Update for 2012 (more…)
Historic Places Aotearoa Submission For Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill
Historic Places Aotearoa Executive has released the text of their submission to the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill. This Bill restructures the current New Zealand Historic Places Trust. Some of the proposed changes include the following: renaming the NZHPT as Heritage New Zealand, abolition of the regional branch committees, (more…)
The Official Launch of Historic Places Aotearoa.
Historic Places Aotearoa – This Year’s Annual General Meeting
Historic Places Aotearoa regional societies please diary in the following date-
10 November 2012
Submission Period Is Now Closed For Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill
Submissions is now closed for the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Bill. (more…)