Tag: Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

“Take the sniff test at Highwic’s Sweet Pea Festival” Heritage New Zealand Media Release

Heritage_New Zealand_logo"Internationally renowned horticulturist and leading Sweet Pea breeder, Dr Keith Hammett, will be asking people at the Festival [November 22-23] to give their feedback on the strength of scent from a range of four or five different Sweet Pea cultivars he has developed."
Highwic’s Sweet Pea Festival takes place on November 22 and 23 (10am-4.30pm).
Entry – Adults $10; Heritage New Zealand members - $5; Children – free.

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Highwic spinning and weaving a diamond celebration” November 1 – 16 (Media Release Heritage New Zealand)

‘Crossings’ by Robyn Agnew.

‘Crossings’ by Robyn Agnew.

"A special exhibition of contemporary weaving will take place at Highwic, the historic property in Newmarket cared for by Heritage New Zealand, from November 1-16."

“We’re delighted to be able to host this amazing collection of artwork at Highwic during the guild’s special anniversary year,” says the Manager of Highwic, Cheryl Laurie."


The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

RNZ National’s Country Life features the Historic “Totara Estate”

Radionznational"New Zealand's first export shipment of mutton was slaughtered at Totara Estate and sent to Britain from Port Chalmers in 1882. "
RNZ National's Country Life podcast on Totara Estate. (A Heritage New Zealand Property)
Link to Podcast: http://podcast.radionz.co.nz/clife/clife-20140829-2129-totara_estate-048.mp3


Conservation Workshop 11th -15th August 2014 : Heritage New Zealand Media Release

Heritage_New Zealand_logo"Heritage New Zealand has arranged for internationally renowned Australian conservation expert,  David Young, to run this Auckland-only workshop introducing buildings conservation, maintenance and understanding traditional building materials – including masonry, mortars, lime plasters, wood and timbers, paints and metals."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Avoiding disasters with old buildings – 10 do’s and don’ts” Public Lecture: Hertiage New Zealand Media Release

Heritage_New Zealand_logo"An internationally renowned specialist in building materials conservation will hold a free public lecture at the Jubilee Building in Parnell on Monday August 11 (7pm) in association with Heritage New Zealand."
"David Young, whose talk is entitled Avoiding Disasters – 10 things not to do when looking after old buildings, will share some of the do’s and don’ts of heritage conservation based on his experience gained over 30 years in the analysis and repair of historic buildings and sites."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Board members appointed” Minister Christopher Finlayson: MCH Media Release (22nd May 2014)

"Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Board members appointed"
The MCH Media Release is as follows:

Hon Christopher Finlayson
Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage (more…)