Tag: Christchurch City Council

“Jubilee Clock Tower restoration celebrated” C.C.C. Media Release

Print"The careful restoration has included deconstructing each of the tower legs and the construction of a new internal reinforced concrete structure to strengthen them. The existing foundations were strengthened. The original stone was cut and used as a veneer in the same place it used to be on the clocktower. The clocktower’s spire was straightened, strengthened and reinstated."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)

“Rebuild and repair of Council facilities to accelerate” C.C.C. Media Release (04.09.14)

"At an Earthquake Recovery Committee of the Whole meeting at North Brighton Community Centre, Mayor Dalziel said the Council had set aside a total of $29,087,059 for the repair and rebuild of community facilities and a further $11,703,596 for heritage facilities."

The media Release is as follows: (more…)

Cunningham House – C.C.C. Draft Significance Statement

Philip Barrett Team Leader Heritage has generously provided us with the Draft Significance Statement for the Cunningham House.

Cuningham House is of historical and social significance as the largest and oldest of the Botanic Gardens display houses. It was built in 1923 and opened on 9 August 1924, funded by a bequest made to the Botanic Gardens by Mr C.A.C. Cuningham, a Christchurch law clerk, on his death in 1915. (more…)

“Historic Botanic Gardens glasshouses reopen” C.C.C. Media Release (15.07.14)

"A highlight of this programme over the past month has been the reopening of two glasshouses – the Botanic Gardens’ historic Cuningham House and Townend conservatory".
The Media Release for the Christchurch City Council Community Committee contained the following Heritage news:
Historic Botanic Gardens glasshouses reopen (more…)

Avebury House: A History (Extract From CCC Report)

Avebury-house-LGThe following text was extracted from a CCC Staff Report.

Heritage Summary

The house is of historical and social significance due to its association with the early development of Richmond, and with pioneer Dr Gundry, the original owner of the land, and the Flesher family, who played a significant part in municipal matters and within the local communities of Richmond, Avonside and New Brighton. (more…)

CCC Heritage Week (2014) Details Announced- 17th- 27th October.

The theme for this years Heritage Week is "Making Connections -experience our past,present,future".
Close off dates for inclusion in the Publicity Pamphlet listing the events and funding application is the 13th June.
http://www.heritageweek.co.nz/   E: heritage@ccc.govt.nz
Info Sheet downloadable PDF :  HW Info Sheet EMAIL

Heritage Building Owner Nicky Arts Deputation To The C.C.C. Community Committee (15th April 2014)

Nicky Arts co-owns one of the shops in the Duncan's Building in High Street and is determined to restore  it!
We  recommend you read her Deputation as she describes the problems of being a restoring owner and dealing with CERA/CCDU.
Her  Deputation can be found on  her lively  and very readable blog-
"How not to Repair a Heritage Building in the Christchurch Central City. part 142….  "ShakyTown Blues- http://cardmakerschc.wordpress.com/

The Press reported on her C.C.C. Deputation: "High St 'paralysed' by Cera indecision"     http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/business/the-rebuild/9945921/High-St-paralysed-by-Cera-indecision

The CCC Media Release is as follows: (more…)