“Historic building owners threaten govt over quake-strengthening” Morning Report NRZ National (Podcast)

Historic building owners threaten govt over quake-strengthening

"Owners of historic buildings in the central North Island are threatening to walk away if the Government doesn't relax tight earthquake-strengthening deadlines.And four local councils are banding together to push for changes to laws they say threaten the very heart of their town centres."


“North Island towns fight ‘destruction by legislation’ ” Checkpoint RNZ – (Online Podcast)

North Island towns fight ‘destruction by legislation’

"Central North Island towns are mounting a challenge against tougher earthquake strengthening laws, which they say threaten their historic main streets with "destruction by legislation". Rangitikei is leading the way, trying to blaze a trail for rent-poor provincial New Zealand which is facing a looming deadline where safety and economic risks collide. "



Heritage In the New Zealand Parliament (2017)

The following are useful contacts for Heritage in Parliament:

Cabinet posts announced by the new Coalition Government:

Jacinda Ardern MP (Image source www.parliament.nz)

(Rt Hon) Jacinda Ardern MP: Prime Minster (Labour Party)
Portfolios of Arts, Culture and Heritage


www.parliament.nz profile:




Carmel Sepuloni MP (Image source www.parliament.nz)

(Hon) Carmel Sepuloni MP (Labour Party)
Associate Minister for Arts and Culture and Heritage


www.parliament.nz profile:




Grant Robertson MP (Image source www.parliament.nz)

(Hon) Grant Robertson MP (Labour Party)
Finance Minister, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage
(Grant Robertson has previously held the role of Labour Spokesperson for Arts Culture and Heritage and thus as  Finance Minister will have an understanding of issues related to Heritage.)


www.parliament.nz profile:


Support Party Ministers:

Eugenie Sage MP (Image source www.parliament.nz)

(Hon) Eugenie Sage MP (Green Party)
Minister for Conservation
(DOC has significant amounts of both built heritage and heritage sites.)


www.parliament.nz profile:




Chlöe Swarbrick MP (Image Source Wikipedia)

Chlöe Swarbrick MP (Green Party)
Green Party Spokesperson Arts Culture and Heritage
The Greens are a support party for the current Governement and as such have a Spokesperson for Arts Culture and Heritage. 


www.parliament.nz profile:


Hon Paul Goldsmith MP (Image source National Party)

(Hon) Paul Goldsmith MP (National Party)
National Spokesperson for Arts Culture and Heritage


www.parliament.nz profile:


“Saving heritage buildings can be a win for owners and the public alike” Dr Anna Crighton Op-Ed Published In The Press

The text of the “Saving heritage buildings can be a win for owners and the public alike” opinion piece published by the Press can be found at the following link:

“Saving heritage buildings can be a win for owners and the public alike” Text Of Dr. Anna Crighton Opinion Piece Published In The Press And Online


HPA AGM 2017: PROGRAMME OF AGM WEEKEND EVENTS Timaru, 3 – 5 November, 2017 Hosted by the South Canterbury Historical Society

Patron: Dame Anne Salmond, DBR, FRSNZ, FBA 2013 New Zealander of the Year

Timaru, 3 - 5 November, 2017
Hosted by the South Canterbury Historical Society (more…)