Canterbury Stories: A Very Interesting Local Initiative

The Christchurch City Council and it's Christchurch Libraries have a site called

Whilst funded by the Christchurch City Council it is not restricting itself to Christchurch with material from Selwyn, Waimakareirei and Timaru posted on the site.

We will provide more details and contacts.

They are looking for images to scan and post along with stories (PDF etc) on the site.

We'll keep you posted!

The Latest Oculus is Out! (December 2021)

The latest Oculus, December 2021 is out and members should have received a copy from their Membership Organisations.

It's a great read as usual!

Historic Places Aotearoa: Submission to Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage Draft Policy for Government Management of Cultural Heritage

A copy of the Historic Places Aotearoa "Submission to Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage Draft Policy for Government Management of Cultural Heritage" can be downloaded at the following link:

Inquiry on the Natural and Built Environments Bill: Parliamentary Paper – Report of the Environment Committee (Published 01:11:2021)

The Environment Committee Report the Exposure Draft has been released.

You can download a copy of the Report from here:

The link to the Parliamentary web site is the following:

“Exposure draft submission highlights heritage” Oculus article by Elizabeth Pishief

The following is the text of an article by Elizabeth Pishief that appeared in Oculus (September 2021).

I was part of a working group of HPA and ICOMOS New Zealand members that prepared a joint submission to the Environment Committee Inquiry on the ‘exposure draft’ of the Natural and Built Environments Bill (NBE Bill) and the associated parliamentary paper.

This bill is intended to replace the Resource Management Act 1991, which no longer adequately protects the natural or cultural environment while allowing for appropriate development.

We collectively believe cultural  heritage in its many forms (eg, archaeological sites, cultural  landscapes, buildings, objects, wāhi tapū, and wāhi tūpuna places) provides an understanding of New Zealand’s development, and the sense of place and connection between people and their environment that contribute to individual and national wellbeing.  We think that replacing ‘historic heritage’ with the  term ‘cultural heritage’  better reflects the  breadth of our current  and evolving heritage  including intangible  heritage such as sacred mountains and recent built heritage like post-war/early modernist buildings. It is crucial Parliament hears how ordinary people and communities value cultural heritage.


“Lack of heritage emphasis disappoints”Oculus Article on The Historic Places Aotearoa Submission on the”Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD)”

The following is the text of an article, that appeared in the September Oculus (2021) authored by Felicity Wong, providing an overview of the HPA Submission. (Felicity Wong is the Historic Places Wellington Chair and is a recent HPA Exec Member.)

HPA made a submission on government's draft “General Policy on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD). The policy will “communicate the long-term vision for [the] housing and urban development system, and how Government will work with others to make it happen.”
It was, therefore, disappointing the policy neither mentioned built heritage nor reflected the value of heritage buildings in the context of urban development. HPA submitted that: Heritage buildings are important for urban wellbeing, and provide an important sense of identity and place. Heritage buildings are critical to maintaining wellbeing and identity, and memory.
In our view, heritage buildings are good for association and connection with towns and cities and in creating liveable places. They layer architectural interest and beauty within our urban fabric for many to enjoy.
HPA recognised the need for an increase in affordable housing supply, and supported the policy direction towards increased government building programmes and density in appropriate places.
We drew the Government’s attention to the role that  repurposing and reusing heritage buildings can play in  increasing housing supply.  


“Heritage New Zealand seeks stories of queer heritage” HNZPT Media Release (24:08:2021)

New Zealand Heritage Pouhere Taonga is proud to announce the Rainbow List Project as part of its work to diversify the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero.

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (HNZPT) has begun work in recognising the LGBTTFQI+ stories of many of its listed sites, starting with 288 Cuba Street in Wellington, once the home of transgender icon Carmen Rupe’s antique shop - Carmen’s Curios, List No. 5348.


“Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development” Released (28:10:20201)

Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development has been released: You find find it at the following link:

"To ensure we can deliver the best outcomes, we have also developed MAIHI Ka Ora the National Māori Housing Strategy (MAIHI Ka Ora), which is strongly connected to the GPS-HUD through Te Maihi o te Whare Māori – the Māori Housing Innovation (MAIHI) Framework for Action."

Link here: