Historic Places Mid Canterbury Unveils The Ashburton Railway Footbridge Blue Plaque

The Blue Plaque on its concrete plinth.

Historic Places Mid Canterbury (HPMC) unveiled their first Blue Plaque. The Blue Plaque celebrates 100 years of the iconic Ashburton Railway Pedestrian Footbridge.

The Blue Plaque is an initiative of  HPMC and expect to see more of them as they start to market the project around the country.


New Zealand Archaeology Week is from 28 April to 6 May 2018 : NZ Archaeological Association

New Zealand Archaeology Week is from 28 April to 6 May 2018.

"The New Zealand Archaeological Association is working to increase public awareness and highlight the importance of protecting our archaeological heritage by promoting the work of New Zealand archaeologists both at home and abroad.

New Zealand Archaeology Week 2018 will comprise of a variety of events around New Zealand.  These events are being hosted by consultant archaeologists, museums, heritage organisations and iwi and will include public talks, historic walks, and displays in regions from the Far North to the Deep South.

In addition there are some events that while not during New Zealand Archaeology Week 2018 itself the NZAA believe it is important to include and support events which are of a similar nature and which include archaeological aspects. ..."

Full details and events can be found at the following link:

“Ōamaru courthouse to reopen after years of facing closure” RNZ Online News

"Ōamaru courthouse to reopen after years of facing closure" RNZ  News Online.

"The 135-year-old courthouse was closed in December 2011 after being deemed earthquake-prone.

The future of the courthouse looked dire when a government engineering report found strengthening could cost upwards of $4 million. ...

" ... Initially the figure of $4m-6m was going to make it very difficult to retain the court. Under those numbers, it was probably going to be a case of 'Well, we'll just shut it down.' "

But instead of feeling defeated, Mr (Bill) Dean did his own research - employing an engineer to assess the courthouse then asking for a price on the proposed repairs.
The cost was closer to $350,000 - and the assessment found the building was unlikely to collapse in an earthquake and did not need to be closed in the first place.
But Mr Dean said it took several years for the paperwork to be accepted and remedial work to be completed. ...



“Why Heritage is an Important Community Asset” Heritage Perth Online Commentary

Heritage Perth make some very sound arguments on Heritage as a Community Asset.

"Heritage sites and buildings can have a very positive influence on many aspects of the way a community develops. Regeneration, housing, education, economic growth and community engagement are examples of the ways in which heritage can make a very positive contribution to community life. ...."

"Areas where the heritage is understood and valued tend to be better looked after than those where heritage items have no link with the community. Such links help to foster civic responsibility and citizenship and contribute to everyone’s quality of life."
