“Heritage buildings receive helping hand” Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern Media Release (16-01-2018)

Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Minister of Arts Culture and Heritage

The Hurunui Hotel, Marshall Building (in historic Tees Street, Oamaru) and (William Gray Young-designed one in )Petone’s Jackson Street Historic Area.

"The Hurunui Hotel, a Category One historic place, was built in 1868. Constructed from two layers of local hand-hewn limestone blocks packed with a mixture of tussock, clay and lime, it has been awarded $132,503 in the latest round of Heritage EQUIP (the Heritage Earthquake Upgrade Incentive Programme) funding to help repair stonework damaged in the Kaikoura earthquakes."

"The other two buildings to benefit from the latest round of Heritage EQUIP funding are the Marshall Building in historic Tees Street, Oamaru ($48,000) and a William Gray Young-designed one in Petone’s Jackson Street Historic Area."

The Media Release is as follows. (more…)

“Landmarks Whenua Tohunga”- Details Of the Heritage Initiative (Sourced MCH Website)

(Image sourced Ministry Culture and Heritage)

Landmarks Whenua Tohunga : 

Northland and Otago are the  two Landmarks Whenua Tohunga that have been launched thus far. The Ministry of Culture and Heritage (MCH) has the following explanation and details on its website.

The following explanatory quotes were taken from the MCH site:

"Landmarks Whenua Tohunga promotes New Zealand's unique culture and connects visitors to our stories and places.

Landmarks is a partnership between Manatū Taonga - Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai, and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. The programme provides a unified approach to promoting and encouraging people to visit New Zealand’s historically and culturally important places. (more…)

“Our heritage, our taonga defines us. It is who we are, where we have come from and it guides what we will become. ” Cr Andrew Turner Christchurch Deputy Mayor (Christchurch City Council Draft Heritage Strategy 2019-2029)

Councillor Andrew Turner (image source: Christchurch City Council)

The following text appeared  the The Christchurch City Council Draft Heritage Strategy 2019-2029.
Councillor Andrew Turner has generously granted us permission to reproduce it here.

Our heritage, our taonga

Our heritage, our taonga defines us. It is who we are, where we have come from and it guides what we will become. It contributes to our own personal sense of belonging and identity and anchors us to our communities and our city. Heritage connects us: to this place, to each other, to the past and to those who will follow us.

Our heritage is precious and valuable. It has social, cultural, educational, recreational and commercial benefits. It contributes to our cultural wellbeing and brings visitors to the district. We are guardians of our taonga, charged with caring for these treasures and passing them on to our children. (more…)