“Better regional assistance for earthquake-prone heritage buildings” Hon Grant Robertson, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage (Media Release 11.02.2019)

Better regional assistance for earthquake-prone heritage buildings

Hon Grant Robertson Assoc Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

Owners of heritage buildings in regional areas are set to benefit from changes to Heritage EQUIP, the national earthquake upgrade incentive programme, Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant Robertson announced today. 

“Heritage buildings are integral to the character of regional New Zealand, but the cost of strengthening can be prohibitive for owners in these areas,” Grant Robertson said.

“These owners face lower building incomes and values that often don’t justify the upgrade expense, and there can also be a shortage of locally available professional advice.

“Tailoring funding for heritage building owners in regional, medium and high seismic risk areas gives them more options to manage the unique earthquake strengthening challenges they face. 

“These owners are now eligible for new Professional Advice Grants, which are designed to assist people at the beginning of the earthquake upgrade process.

“The grants provide up to 50 per cent of the costs required for obtaining services such as detailed seismic assessments, conservation reports, architectural and structural engineering plans.

“Many regional building owners are also able to apply for up to 67 percent of upgrade works costs.

“As an extra incentive, multiple-building applications can seek funding of up to 67 per cent of professional advice costs.

“I encourage building advisors, councils, civic and heritage trusts and other qualified entities to work on behalf of groups of building owners in regional locations.

“Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, which administers the Heritage EQUIP fund, is also in the process of establishing a pilot partnership programme with selected local authorities, to address local issues and identify seismic strengthening pathways.

“Government is keen to ensure more building owners access Heritage EQUIP funding to secure their valuable heritage buildings for the future, and these changes will help to facilitate this,” Grant Robertson said.

Applications for Heritage EQUIP funding are received three times per year, with upcoming rounds closing on 22 March and 29 July 2019.

Detailed information about the new incentives, along with advice for building owners planning seismic strengthening projects, is available at www.heritageequip.govt.nz


Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga “Properties open FREE on Waitangi Day!”- HNZPT Media Release. (01:02:19)

Seventeen Heritage New Zealand properties are ready to open their doors free of charge on the country’s national day, Waitangi Day, on 6 February.

Details are at the following link:

As Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Chief Executive Andrew Coleman said our properties tell a small part of a wider story of the nation.  They are open free of charge to enjoy, learn from and appreciate a snapshot of our history.

“The objective of the open day is to promote the significance of Heritage New Zealand places that contribute to the story of early Māori and Pākehā interaction and the progression to the multicultural society we are today in a family, fun and inclusive way,” says Andrew.

A special, 20 page publication about the Treaty of Waitangi will be available free of charge (until stocks last) at each property.  All the properties open on Waitangi Day will feature in the publication, along with pieces on the Treaty of Waitangi at a glance, a map of New Zealand showing where the nine versions of the Treaty travelled around the country in 1840 – from Waitangi in the Far North to Ruapuke Island in the Deep South, and a summary of the document Tapuwae – Heritage New Zealand’s vision for Māori heritage.

Most properties will also have an exhibition of New Zealand flags and a copy of the Treaty of Waitangi on display.

“The National Assessment RMA Policies and Plans – Heritage Provisions 2018.” Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Report

"The National Assessment RMA Policies and Plans - Heritage Provisions 2018." Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Report can be found at the following link.


Media coverage:
"Protecting Maori heritage comes second best, new report reveals" Stuff Online
"Heritage pakeha buildings are better protected by rules and regulations than Maori heritage sites, a new report by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga reveals.
The crown entity advocating for the protection and preservation of heritage examines councils' plans every three years to see how well they are performing in this area. ...
... Heritage New Zealand (HNZ) wants destruction of Maori heritage places to be a non-complying activity in a district plan. ..."

Heritage sites face demolition under draft district plan proposal- Stuff Online

"New Plymouth's building history is disappearing fast and little is being done by authorities to keep it, a heritage historian says.
Victoria University Wellington conservation research historian Hamish Crimp has spent the past year documenting residential and commercial buildings dating back to the first European settlement from 1840s, outside the city's central business district. ..."

“National Historic Landmarks submissions sought” Heritage New Zealand (Media Statement 24/01/2019)

Public submissions are being sought for the proposed recognition of the Waitangi Treaty Grounds as a National Historic Landmark.

The Public submissions are being sought for the proposed recognition of the Waitangi Treaty Grounds as a National Historic Landmark.

The National Historic Landmarks/Ngā Manawhenua o Aotearoa me ōna Kōrero Tūturu programme has been established to better recognise and protect this country’s most outstanding heritage places.  It was introduced by the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 to help prioritise the government’s heritage conservation efforts.

"National Historic Landmarks are significant and meaningful places that shape our national identity," says Heritage New Zealand’s Director Policy Rebecca O’Brien.

"They are the places most important to us, places that symbolise what it means to be a New Zealander.  The Waitangi Treaty Grounds is perhaps the most fitting place to be put forward for inclusion as the first National Historic Landmark."

Following the public consultation process Heritage New Zealand recommends places for inclusion to the Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon. Grant Robertson to make the final decision.

"The aim of National Historic Landmarks is to protect those heritage places most important to New Zealanders through long-term risk planning and management, including from natural disaster," says Rebecca.

"It’s certainly hard to imagine New Zealand without the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.  It’s an entrenched part of our history, culture and heritage and without it we would lose something very special.  This programme identifies those places that we have such a strong association with or connection to."

Heritage New Zealand is working in partnership with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and other stakeholders to deliver and promote the programme.

Submissions on the Waitangi Treaty Grounds proposal close on 12 February.  

For further information:

Michelle Horwood
Manager Heritage Listing
email: mhorwood@heritage.org.nz
tel: (04) 470 8059 or  027 218 4484.

Andrew Colman Heritage New Zealand CE Interview On “Summer Times” RNZ National (RNZ National Podcast)

Lynne Freeman interviewed Andrew Colman on RNZ National "Summer Times".

"How is Heritage New Zealand planning to make best use of the 6.3 million dollars it received in last May's budget and is on top of the current operating funding of $13 million per year.
The new money's spread over four years, so it's a case of priorities for the organisation that's charged with protecting archaeological and heritage sites. We're joined by the Chief Executive of Heritage New Zealand, Andrew Coleman."


Scale and splendour: volunteers work to restore Wentworth Woodhouse (The Guardian Online)

The Guardian has an article on the restoration of Wentworh Woodhouse.

".... So far, about 100 structural surveys have been carried out, more than 100 drains have been inspected, 110 tonnes of slate has been ordered for the roof, 200 tonnes of asphalt has been put on the new driveway, and 350 tonnes of rubbish has been removed from the site. It will take an estimated 15 to 20 years to fully restore the property. ..."
