Tag: Newsletter

“Petone Plan Change” Historic Places Wellington (Newsletter 6)

Petone Plan Change

Our May newsletter reported on Historic Places Wellington's submission to Hutt City Council's Plan Change 29, which had been potentially damaging to the Jackson Street heritage retail area. This submission was consistent with about 250 others from local groups and individuals. The Commissioner's final recommendations were accepted by Hutt City Council on 17 September, (more…)

“Hutt Civic Centre Modern Movement Buildings” : Historic Places Wellington (Newsletter 6)

Hutt Civic Centre Town Hall and Clock Tower

Hutt Civic Centre- Town Hall and Clock Tower (Source HPW Newsletter)

"We have been aware that the Hutt City Council were considering options for the buildings because of earthquake strengthening requirements but it was nevertheless a shock to learn of the Council’s decision taken soon after the elections to demolish the Town Hall and Horticultural Hall and replace these important architectural statements with a modern building."


Hutt Civic Centre Modern Movement Buildings (more…)

Petone Plan Change – Hutt City Council

Historic  Places Wellington Purple LogoHistoric Places Wellington has presented a submission opposing proposed changes to zoning in the Petone retail area (See Newsletter 3 for details). Hutt City Council’s proposals were opposed by a large number of Petone groups and individuals. From a heritage point of view, the proposals are potentially damaging to the Jackson Street heritage retail area, (more…)