Tag: Historic Places Mid Canterbury

Updated. Waitangi on East and Multi Cultural Bite- 6th Feb 2013

Waitangi on East 2013 & war memorials Ealing 002Waitangi on East

An estimated 15,000 people flocked to Ashburton’s East Street on Waitangi Day.

While Historic Places Mid Canterbury considered that most had come to sample our jammed and creamed scones, in-fact they had come to soak up the atmosphere, food, cultural entertainment and sun that the combined Multi Cultural Bite and Waitangi Day Market provided in the towns retail centre.

Waitangi on East 2013 & war memorials Ealing 003Our stall certainly attracted large numbers of visitors.  Many commented on our photographic boards titled ‘Lost Ashburton’. Sadly, we needed to make up a new board late last year in the aftermath of the earthquake damage.


Barrhill Launch of Historic Places Mid Canterbury

Over 100 people attended the public launch of Historic Places Mid Canterbury. They  witnessed  the last activity of the Ashburton Branch NZHPT with the unveiling of the Barrhill Village Interpretation Panel. Malcolm Duff the Southern Regional Manager in his opening remarks announced it was one of his last public duties as he was leaving NZHPT for sunnier climes. (more…)