Tag: Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy

“Earthquake-prone buildings changes to help provinces” RNZ News online

"... The Minister for Building and Construction Jenny Salesa announced the change, in Feilding this morning.

She says the changes will make it easier for owners of such buildings in small towns to undertake modest building work, without having to start seismic strengthening work at the same time. ..."


“More targeted approach to earthquake-prone buildings” Hon Dr Nick Smith Minister For Building and Housing (Media Release)


Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy Announcement: Bruce Chapman C.E.O. N.Z.H.P.T. Media Statement

NZHPT letterhead logoBruce Chapman (C.E.O N.Z.H.P.T.) has generously made available the text of  his "Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy Announcement" Media Statement.

"The timeframes for national historic landmarks and Category 1 historic places provide owners with the opportunity to plan for both assessing their properties, where this hasn't already been done, and to explore options for funding this work. (more…)

“Buildings policy change welcomed” Otago Daily Times (Online Article) 8th August 2013

"Buildings policy change welcomed" the Otago Daily Times reports "Oamaru Whitestone Civic Trust chairman Marcus Brown welcomed the Government's changes to the policy of strengthening earthquake-prone buildings announced yesterday, but felt they did not go far enough"

“Earthquake-prone buildings policy announced” Building And Construction Minister Maurice Williamson Media Release

Maurice Williamson M.P.“Under a nationally consistent system, an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 earthquake-prone buildings will be identified through assessments within five years of legislation taking effect.  Those building owners will then have another 15 years to carry out strengthening work or have buildings demolished.  The timeframe is five years longer than initially proposed."

The Media Release is as follows: (more…)