Tag: Blog

“Yeah yeah yeah, nah Minister: Why Brownlee is unfit to lead the recovery.” Heritage Cited In Barnaby Bennett Blog

Barnaby Bennett has written a widely discussed Blog on the Christchurch Recovery which made the front page of the Press print edition. HPC is not endorsing the Blog but it is being widely circulated, discussed and it is a lively read.
Heritage is given some prominence in the blog:

"Exhibit 5: He was wrong about heritage and existing buildings. Dr Jessica Halliday explains this best in her essay Losing our collective memory Once in a Lifetime p210)...
...if we look around the city now it is only the temporary projects and the repaired older buildings holding the place together. C1, Isaac Theatre, New Regent Street..."

Christchurch Cathedral and Heritage Important for City’s Future

Eugenie Sage, Green Party List MP,  has posted a well written blog outlining why she thinks the Cathedral should be saved.
We recommend you click over [and click back] for a read.
Eugenie Sage spoke at the Wizard's "Demo against Demo" at the Anglican Synod. [St Christopher's @10.30am 21st April]. (more…)