Eugenie Sage was a speaker and one of the organizers of the Christchurch’s Stop!! Heritage Destruction Rally! Eugenie Sage is one of new Green List MPs and is ranked at number 6 on the Greens list.
Eugenie Sage has very recently emerged publicly as a heritage advocate. She was an organizer and a speaker at Christchurch’s Stop!! Heritage Destruction Rally! Eugenie was serving as a Regional Councillor representing Selwyn when Environment Canterbury was disbanded by central government. A Forest and Bird staffer for 13 years with first hand experience of the RMA and planning and who understands how a NGO works. Her work in the past has focused on the environment but H.P.A. will be keeping her fully briefed on heritage issues!
Her full bio from the Greens Web site is the following:
Eugenie Sage
Place of birth: Auckland
Ethnicity: Pakeha
Current residence and electorate: Diamond Harbour, Christchurch, Selwyn electorate
Educational and vocational qualifications: Bachelor of Laws, BA (history) (Auckland); Dip. Journalism (Canterbury); COP papers in public policy. Accredited RMA hearings commissioner.
Current occupation: Environmental consultant
Previous occupations: Regional councillor, Environment Canterbury 2007-April 2010;
Regional field officer then South Island co-ordinator, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society1993-2007;
Freelance journalist, editor and RMA planner1990-1993;
Ministerial press secretary (Hon. Helen Clark) 1987-1990;
Parliamentary researcher 1985-1987;
Information officer (environmental forestry) 1984-1985.
Other work experience (including voluntary/unpaid): Member Regional Committee and Selwyn-Waihora zonal committee for Canterbury Water Management Strategy 2010-present - tasked with implementing a collaborative approach to water management. Member Biosecurity Ministerial Advisory Committee 2006- 2010; member West Coast Marine Protection Forum 2006-2010 which recommended four large and five smaller marine reserves to Ministers; chair Pest and Biosecurity committee ECan, member Canterbury Tb Free Committee 2007-2010.
Community connections: founder member Our Water Our Vote; member Forest and Bird, ECO. Lyttelton Harbour Issues Group; Campaign for MMP (Christchurch group). Strategic and policy advice to various environmental groups.
Policy Interests/Expertise: Nature conservation, RMA and environmental policy including water, agriculture and sustainable land management, sustainable economics; justice and democracy. Long time environmental activist including 13 years as Forest and Bird staffer campaigning on native forest logging, mining, aquaculture, biodiversity protection on private land, and privatisation of the South