Heritage In The Budget 2021

From the Budget documents released:
New Policy Initiatives:
Hokitika Government Building: $22,000 (000)
Retain Core Capability of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga: $2,357 (000)
Strengthening and Adapting Turnbull House: $250 (000)

Under End of year Financial Reporting:
Heritage Equip - Continuation of Funding: 2020/21 Final Budgeted $370 (000)
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2021/22 is funding is mainly due to the final year of Heritage Equip operating funding, and a reduction in revenue from others.

Under End of Year Performance Reporting:
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
20/21 Final Budgeted $18,970 (000)
2021/22 Budget $16,738 (000)

... The decrease in this appropriation for 2021/22 is due to:
one-off COVID-19 Response and Recovery funding of $2.357 million in 2020/21 for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga to retain its core capability in response to falling revenues and depleted reserves as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

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