Private Museum Visit — 1.30 pm Sunday October 13th

Historic-Places-Mid-Canterbury-Purple-logoHPMC Private Museum visitStrictly limited numbers due to limited space!

Call Julie on 308-3866 ASAP to book a place and meeting details.

Afternoon Tea included.

Cost: Paper Note donation to aid Gilbert’s growing collection.

Members free afternoon tea.

Non members $5 per person.


Recently Marian Martin and myself spent a very interesting morning viewing Gilbert’s vast collections. This includes a range of sewing machines, pianos and organs, all manner of household items from pioneering days, bicycles, planet juniors, and so much more.

Just as great as the items, are the fantastic stories and history Gilbert will tell that brings it all to life.

Because of space we have to limit this to 20 people so book your place now.

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