Christchurch City Council Heritage and Arts Standing Committee Meets
The Chair, Councillor Helen Broughton, in her opening remarks to the Committee [2nd December 20011] noted that it was the first meeting since 2004.
Business covered included the following:
There were two deputations:
1. Bill Demeter for the Canterbury Historic Houses Conservation Trust requested funds for a project to digitally film heritage houses that are in the Red Zone and slated for demolition.
The resulting digital film will be archived for following generations to see what was lost in the earthquakes.
2. Personal Deputation by IConIC - Alternate Chair Mark Gerrard.
Interests in Conserving the Identity of Christchurch [IConIC]
(a) The deputation commended the C.C.C. Heritage Unit’s actions in regard to the Anglican Cathedral.
(b) That the Committee consider incentives for owners of C.B.D. Heritage Buildings to encourage their retention.
(c) The C.C.C. owned Heritage Building’s engineering and condition reports be made available on line, along with cost of repair, insurance shortfall [if any] etc.
Formal Reports: A brief summary
(a) A verbal Report on the Arts was received. The City’s Public Art Works were not included in the Report. Councillor questioning was needed to elicit information on these. A number have been removed for conservation / restoration.
(b) “Bullet point” report from the Heritage Unit. (Comment: The impression left was that the Heritage Unit appeared to consider that securing a buildings salvaged material was a heritage victory.)
(c) A Heritage resource consent was approved.
Covenants accompanying Heritage Grants were discussed with the decision made, that in the future, they include the provision that if the building is demolished the money should be paid back.
Comment: It was surprising that the Heritage Unit report did not include an extensive report on the condition of the Council’s own heritage buildings.