Aku mihi whanui ki a tatou katoa. Greetings to us all.
The founding of Historic Places Aotearoa is a turning point
for New Zealand’s heritage. From this moment, there will be two powerful voices for the protection of historic sites and buildings in New Zealand.The New Zealand Historic Places Trust, a Crown entity supported by government funding, is charged with upholding the Historic Places Act, and advancing the cause of heritage in New Zealand. Historic Places Aotearoa, a grassroots organisation that works outside of government, will be run by its members, and can advocate for historic sites and buildings without fear or favour. As two organisations dedicated to the same cause, NZHPT and HPA will almost always work closely together.
Historic Places Aotearoa signals a return to the original spirit of heritage protection in New Zealand. Citizens who care about ancestral sites and landscapes are getting together to look after them, and pass them on intact for future generations.
As someone who shares in this spirit, I am proud and privileged to serve as Patron of this new organisation. Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to Historic Places Aotearoa.
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