“Assistance for Heritage / Earthquake Prone Buildings in New Zealand” : Peter Dowell – Developer and Investor in Heritage Buildings.

The Following article written by Peter Dowell appears in the latest HPA Oculus Newsletter.

Assistance for Heritage / Earthquake Prone Buildings in New Zealand

Over the last seven years since the Earthquakes on Christchurch (September 2010 & February 2011), Seddon (July 2013) & Kaikoura (November 2016) Heritage NZ, MBIE and local authorities have been working hard to assist building owners to make buildings in our cities more resilient to earthquakes.

In 2013 MBIE began a multi-year, work programme in response to the Royal Commission recommendations. While some work has been completed, other work, in particular research and collaboration, will be sustained and contribute to the development of better standards and guidance over time.

Especially since the Seddon earthquake local authorities have taken broader steps to assist building owners to be pro-active in fast forwarding the strengthening of their buildings to help keep their tenants and to be able to seek bank funding for building works. (more…)

Historic Places Hawke’s Bay AGM : Sunday 27 August 2017 Time: 2:00 pm

An Opportunity to Visit the new Blyth Performing Arts Centre at Iona College AGM of Historic Places Hawke’s Bay

Date: Sunday 27 August 2017 Time: 2:00 pm

Venue: The Blyth Performing Arts Centre at Iona College

Transport: Please make your own transport arrangements to get to the College at 42 Lucknow Road, Havelock North. (more…)