Updated: Stoneycroft Confirmed As Venue. Historic Places Hawke’s Bay AGM Sunday 8th September 2013

historic_places_hawkes_bay_logoSee new posting for AGM details:

Historic Places Hawke's Bay AGM 2.00pm 8th September  2013 @ Stoneycroft


Previous Text

historic_places_hawkes_bay_logoThe Historic Places Hawke's Bay A.G.M. is to be held on the 8th September (2013).
(AGM details- venue, time etc will be posted.)


The contact for Historic Places Hawke's Bay is:
Philip Irwin
Cel: 0274 233566
Tel: 06 870 0513

Historic Places Hawke’s Bay Inc
C/- P Irwin
2 Arthur Close
Clive 4102

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