As a supporter of our heritage events we invite you to attend our 2014 AGM and help us celebrate another successful year of heritage with Historic Places Central Otago.
We also invite you to become a members of our organisation and you can do this quite easily at the AGM.
This will enable you to participate fully in the voting at the meeting if done prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Our AGM this year will be held at the ‘Famous’ or is it ‘Infamous’ - Bannockburn Hall located at Hall Road in Bannockburn near Cromwell.
The hall has been a long time in coming back to life and we look forward to seeing you there to relive the experience of the hall as a meeting place. It’s a great venue.
The date is Saturday 13 September at 2pm. We promise you a very warm hall and the usual delicious ‘HPCO afternoon tea’ courtesy of our team.
Our guest speakers will be:
Jonathan Howard and Jane O’Dea from Heritage New Zealand.
Jonathan is the recently appointed Otago/Southland Regional Manager but is no stranger to the Heritage scene in Central Otago. Jane has been based in Dunedin for many years as a heritage planner and has a great depth of knowledge of the heritage of our region.
Their joint presentation will be based on the visual changes to heritage in Central Otago over many years. They will also be talking about the roles that HNZ working with our organisation can do to achieve better heritage outcomes in Central Otago.
Both presentations will be of great interest to help us understand the implications of losing heritage through a variety of circumstances. This will be a very interesting presentation and specially prepared for us.
We have some important business to attend to as we are proposing a change of membership status from Historic Places Aotearoa to direct membership of Historic Places Central Otago.
This entails changes to our constitution regarding membership status including the winding up clause and some other minor changes due to the membership change. Once approved the constitution will form the basis of our application for Charitable Status.
Standing for the committee.
The current committee of eight are all offering themselves for re election. However our constitution does allow us to have up to twelve committee members and we would welcome some new blood on to our committee.
If you have some particular skills that would benefit our organisation we urge you to put your name forward for the election.
Committee members must be financial members of HPA and be nominated by a financial member.
You are welcome to bring along any other non-members and we can enrol them prior to the commencement of the meeting if they wish to fully participate in voting etc.
We look forward to seeing you on the day and supporting our local heritage endeavours.
David White
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