“Draft Victoria Square restoration plan released for feedback” Media Release From Nicky Wagner, M.P.,The Associate Minister Of Earthquake Recovery

“I know from the community’s feedback that there is a strong desire to have Victoria Square as a green, tranquil space and retain its existing character. The draft plan keeps elements such as the curved paths, statues and the pou, the floral clock, all of the trees and includes restoring the Bowker Fountain."
The Media Release is as follows:

Nicky Wagner                                                                               15 July, 2015


Draft Victoria Square restoration plan released for feedback

Associate Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Nicky Wagner has today released the Draft Victoria Square Restoration Plan which focuses on retaining and enhancing the Square’s existing character.

The draft plan has been created using the feedback received from almost 2200 people in the first stage of the community participation process. The public will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the draft restoration plan from today until Friday 31 July.

“The draft plan for Victoria Square focuses on making small changes that complement the Square’s layout as well as repairing damage on the site,” Ms Wagner says.

“I know from the community’s feedback that there is a strong desire to have Victoria Square as a green, tranquil space and retain its existing character. The draft plan keeps elements such as the curved paths, statues and the pou, the floral clock, all of the trees and includes restoring the Bowker Fountain.

“It also acknowledges the other themes that were highlighted such as improving amenities and more recognition of our shared cultural history. New features such as additional seating, new lighting, widening existing paths, upgrading paving and new artwork installations have also been proposed to enhance the space and make it more accessible.

“I want to thank the thousands of residents who have provided feedback so far on this important civic space. Now that the draft plan has been released I encourage people to have a look and let us know what they think,” Ms Wagner says.

More information

People can have their say online at ccdu.govt.nz/victoria-square and on feedback forms available at all Christchurch City Council service centres and the Future Christchurch Showcase in Re:START Mall.

CERA will run ‘meet the planner sessions’ where planners and members of the Independent Reference Group will be available to answer questions from the public. These will take place 5 – 7pm Tuesday 21 July at Knox Church, as well as 12 – 1pm Thursday 23 July and 5.30 – 6.30pm Wednesday 29 July at the Future Christchurch Showcase

This is the third stage of the community participation process being run by CERA, Christchurch City Council and its partners. The next step will be incorporating this round of feedback into the final restoration plan of Victoria Square before it is released in September.

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