News From The Secretary Of Historic Places AotearoaPrevious posting on site.
David Kiddey Reports
News From The Secretary Of Historic Places Aotearoa
Boundaries for Regional Societies
As part of the transition process, a new society has to be seen to cover the same areas as the Branch it is replacing. However, Historic Places Aotearoa needs to be able to adjust boundaries if, at some time in the future, boundaries need to be redefined, for instance to cover an area where there is no HPA Regional Society. Despite earlier concerns, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the clause in the Historic Places incorporation template which allows for boundary changes is acceptable to the HPT Board.
HPA Website
Our web site is up and running and looking great. If you haven’t seen it yet, go to and have a look. There’s a lot more work to be done but you will see that your regional input is loaded and available for viewing. Many thanks to those who have contributed – keep it coming and, if you haven’t put up any content yet we’d love to get some from you.
On-line Membership
One of the many benefits of becoming an HPA Regional Society is that all your new memberships and renewals will operate through the HPA website and database. As a Regional Society you will have complete access to an up-to-date list of members in your area and you will be able to contact them at any time you wish using your section of the database. The next stage of our web development will also include on-line payment facilities.
Making the Break
We know that there are many other Branch Committees ready to make the break from HPT and transition to independent organisations. Your HPT Regional Coordinator should be able to help you with the resolutions and paper work that is required for the Board to approve your transition. If you would like information from one of your elected representatives, Anna and David will help you (contact details below).
Remember that Historic Places Aotearoa can supply you with a template for incorporation if you wish to become an HPA Regional Society.
Anna Crighton’s and David Kiddey’s contact details can be found: